Disguised as Butterflies – FFG Part 6

Disguised as Butterflies

The fear of what the ‘morrow may bring,
Of what can’t be tamed
The knot inside turns so tight
By the butterflies within,
Not butterflies of beauty,
But those of deception
They flutter and flee around without a care
For the master they terror

Can he break free from these holds so tight?
Will his heart return above
Where it once sat satisfied?
Instead it chased after those deceiving butterflies down below
Where nails grow small
Hair grows short
All by the churning within
The storm of sea crashes,
To the right,
To the left,
Throwing all else around

Oh the sinking feeling
Of falling from above
Of realizing that which he feared

Will these butterflies find rest?
Will they find their meadow,
Full of brightness,
Of flowers as they’re meant to be?
Or will they continue to seek after the deception of the soul
The cunning deception of the mind?
There is no end to their fluttering
For there is no refuge in this deceit
Just a façade for a brighter tomorrow

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