Fear’s Final Grasp -Introduction

The following poems are a part of a collection story I wrote during my sophomore year at college (2014-2015). Throughout this time I struggled with depression, worthlessness, emptiness, anxiety, and fear. It was a dry spell for me. A time where I was struggling with wanting to read my Bible or to pray. These poems became my way of processing, crying out to the Lord, being real, and ultimately a way He spoke to me. This story, originally titled To Fear and Back, was created over about 4-5 months. I finally landed on Fear’s Final Grasp as I felt like it described the victory we have. The hold of fear has been broken by the Lord. Yet fear will try and grab on one last time in the attempt to keep us from the freedom we have been saved into.

May these poems challenge, stretch, and grow you. One man comes to mind when I think of crying out to and being real and honest with the Lord. David. In times of pain, doubt, and fear he cried out to the Lord and talked with Him. The key is he kept pushing on towards the Lord in the midst of his hurt and his doubt. There will be times where the waves hit you. But press on towards the Lord as David did in all of his dark moments.

My ultimate desire is that you see the Hope that is ultimately in the Lord.

“Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9b

Fear’s Final Grasp is collection of the following 14 poems. They are meant to be read in order so that is what I encourage.

  1. Just Floating Along
  2. Alone
  3. The Small Quiet Voice
  4. The Prisoner
  5. The Mind’s Cage
  6. Disguised as Butterflies
  7. The Colorful Robe
  8. Pain’s Desire
  9. The Sun’s Shadow
  10. Revelations from the Deep
  11. Roar of Thunder
  12. The Apple of the Eye
  13. The Eye of the Storm
  14. Fulfilled in the Mystery

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