Just Floating Along – FFG Part 1

Just Floating Along

Sailing along the ocean with no one around
Where screams find no destination
And death at the hands of an empty vessel

Horizon after horizon are scanned
For life which may be out there
Year after year the desire is there
Hoping to catch a break
And see a fellow being
And know they exist
Somewhere out there
Though only ripples are found
With each new wave
When they are found
He’ll know he belongs
Or does he just belong to sail along?

Off in the distance land is found
Inhabited by life
Which call to him

Though only a moment later, the voices call no more
They pass on by for another man
Who just floated by

Making his way through this life alone
Hearing just his voice
And from his head he’s told why he belongs to be alone
Told where his value lies
Absent to the soul whose alone
He believes the lies which are before him

He floats along the ocean waves
Absent of souls
Absent of joy and hope

Stillness wakens his soul one day
A feeling which he forgot about
Sand graces his toes
He’s found land and safety too

A voice calls him
From somewhere around
“I haven’t passed you by
I noticed every move
And every word
I haven’t passed you by”

These words echo all around
Words which haven’t been spoken before
Value long desired
Someone knows he exists
And hears his small quite voice

He stumbles along this sandy shore
Not sure which way he should go
His eyes open to blue,
The blue of the eyes which light so bright
He’s been found by a man
Whom he does not know
“Come follow me,
I will never leave you,
You will never be alone
And I will always listen.”

He follows this man to his home
Where he taken on as one of his own
Here he finds hope to continue on
Hope of a brighter tomorrow
Or will he just continue to sail along
With no one around?

But not too long later he walks out the door
Off to see what’s beyond
And to venture out into the great unknown

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