Pain’s Desire – FFG Part 8

Pain’s Desire

Pain desires company,
Not company to feel the same agony,
But to be heard,
To know it is not walking this journey alone
To know its cries are heard,
Its wounds felt,
And its paths seen.
This comfort can help bring hope,
Hope of shattered glass being made whole again

Yet we abandon those who hurt the most,
Those who look just fine,
But are bleeding to death on the inside

We fail to inquire how a soul may be doing
We hide from the stain of their bleeding heart,
And the gunk we may find
We don’t want to have to help stabilize the load

So, we remain comfortable,
Looking right past a hurting world
And in doing so we lock up Hope in a box,
The only Hope that matters,
This is the only Hope that can turn those shatters into a whole.
The only Hope which can drag this man out
From the darkness he’s in

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