The Colorful Robe – FFG Part 7

The Colorful Robe

The prize of the winner
So desired
Gold around the neck
Not felt, but seen
Looking so good on another

It wrecks the soul within
The desire to feel it as well
Burns all that is well
For what he does not have,
Is more than what he does

His plate is full
Jewels and diamonds abound
Fading to the back for the one not there
For the one gone missing

His joy is stripped
A joy he so desires,
But one so elusive

Who he is not,
Haunts him
Where he is not,
Taunts him
What he does not have,
Torments him
Who he desires to be,
Runs from him

The delicacy he’s been given
Turned down for the plate next door

When will his own life fill him up?
When will his life be the gift it is?

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