The Sun’s Shadow – FFG Part 9

The Sun’s Shadow

He does not feel anymore
The highs are no more
The lows remain
The pit has become home,
Every climb and every leap
Just find him falling back down
Don’t come near, for the blackness closes in
There’s no heart to talk to
Just a bunch of pieces
From which there used to be a life

The sun seems to not show
For fear of his face
And the moon only hides
Everyone has hidden their faces from this man
Hidden it from all the failure
From all the darkness
From all that he is not
He does not know what causes men to flee

So he hides his face,
For you don’t want to see what there is
Just a big imperfection
A failure
A failure to be like everyone else
He cries out, “God, hide your face from me
For I don’t seem to measure up
I’m just a failure
A blemish to everyone else’s white”

“Why must I continue to walk through this pain,
Through this fire
My own personal hell
Am I not broken enough?
Am I not moldable?
Can enough just be enough”

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