The Hazy Eyes of Faith

I walk,

I fall

I walk,

I fall

I walk,

I fall


Are these even eyes at all?

I stare into the distance

Which just looks the same

A wall of mist,

A fog,

A haze


“I will trust you…

This is too much,

I can’t do this”


“I will trust you now…

This is still too much,

I don’t think I can do this”


“Okay, I will trust you…

This is too difficult

I can’t continue on”


These are the hazy eyes of faith


The pain that clogs the memory

The rejection that hardens the soul

The death that pushes you to the edge

The failure that is the last straw


These are the hazy eyes of faith


What if this ends up like the last time?

What if I can’t keep going?

What if this is a mistake?

It is too dangerous

I don’t know if I can do this


These are the hazy eyes of faith


“Look at how good I have been

I have done all this good stuff

I’m good enough now”

Can control be retained

While living a life of faith?

I’ve looked

And I’ve tried

I kick

And I scream

Is there any other way?

This path of control

Is crystal clear

Every step seen


Yet the path of faith and grace

Challenges the eyes

For there is fog down that path

A hazy mist we can’t see through


These are the hazy eyes of faith


I walk,

I fall

I walk,

I stumble

I walk

These are the eyes of faith

That stare into the distance

A wall of mist,

Of fog,

Of haze

And step with assurance

In the One walking amidst the haze

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