The Alien in the Pews

Take a glance right next to you

There may be an alien in the pews

Who just last night jammed down pills

Not knowing if he would wake this morning


Or maybe the individual sitting right in front

See the blood on the shirt right there

The tears of the soul crying out

On behalf of the scared,

Emotional mute

Too overcome by shame and guilt


Remember the young man you said hello to,

Well he hid in the bathroom to avoid that very moment

A swell of tension,

And of knots


The person behind you

Well he is ashamed of his choices

Of innocence now gone

A vanished purity

Wondering if he’s still accepted in these four walls


The young women who showed up after the first song

And left before the last one

She can’t stand to face another being

Even herself

Ashamed of who she is

Yet slowly dying without knowing the Cure


They are all aliens in the pews

Who we don’t even know

They have the same looks,

And they wear the same clothes

They are searching,


And hoping to experience the Lamb

Who was slain for them


Will we usher in the broken

To meet the one who can make them whole

Who has washed us white as snow

And will do the same for them

Will we greet them with the pearl we have found?

Or just bury it in our own little holes


Will we act as the gateway

Picking and choosing the work of grace

Or will we put on display the work of the Potter?

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