Roar of Thunder – FFG Part 11

The Roar of Thunder

The ground shakes beneath his feet
The sky above brakes
The stars dim down
The sun becomes like just another star

You’ve questioned my presence
Yet where were you there at the beginning?
When I light lit the expanse?
When the ground for your feet stood firm?
When out of the dust I made you?

I was here in the beginning,
Yet I left you here where you are?
You asked where I was when you were alone,
I was right beside you
Where was I when your thoughts betrayed you?
I was your solid ground
Where was I when you were trapped?
Handing you the keys out
Where was I when you were restless?
Giving you peace
Where was I when you had fear?
Giving you faith
Where was I when you were confused?
Giving you clarity
Where was I when you weren’t heard?
Listening to you alone
Where was I when you felt worthless?
Valuing you above all else
Where was I when you were broken?
On my knees bleeding as I picked up your shattered pieces

Why do you live in bondage when I have set you free?
I have given you the keys to freedom
Let me be your all and your strength
Be content in me alone
Surrender and rest in me
I cannot guarantee an easy life,
You may not even have three more breaths
But if you follow me, forsaking all else
You will LIVE
Live the life I desire for you

The Apple of the Eye – FFG Part 12

The Apple of the Eye

You wondered if you were walking this journey alone
Though I was by your side the whole time
You believed the lies from within
The lies of who you are,
This man named Mónos

You sought your “home,”
Not realizing you had just left it
I, your Father, called out from the steps
Come Home my son,
David, my child
For you are mine
My beloved

I bought you at a price,
The price of my only son
For at this cost I took you from the auction block
Not to be a slave, but a free man
You became one of my children
My very own

I continue to seek you out,
To rest in my love
My peace
My hope
Look into my eyes
The same blue eyes
From that sandy shore

Because you are mine
To be kept through the storm
Let me be enough
To be your all in all
For I am your friend when you have none
Your value when your worth is gone
Your rock in the storm
Your calm in the swirl
For you are mine
My beloved

The Eye of the Storm – FFG Part 13

The Eye of the Storm

A breeze washes over our young man,
A settling feeling sets in
Something so foreign to him
Which he can’t comprehend
For the peace is undeniable
The hope is ever present
There’s no fear here
Fear has crumbled in the face of Peace

Waves rage all around
But they hold no more power
They now seem dead
The rain is pouring all around,
Yet he remains dry
The stormy clouds are wiped away
By a beaming ray of Hope

He’s held tight
From the wind that pulls away
Like the hand of a father
Who holds his child close
He’s comforted in his sadness
Like a mother that embraces her crying child

There is no answer to this feeling
How can there be so much Joy in such turmoil?
For it makes no sense
He rests in the stillness of the Father,
Who gives him a peace
Beyond all comprehension

Fulfilled in the Mystery – FFG Part 14

Fulfilled in the Mystery

This story is my story
For I am the man named Mónos
Who became David
A man full of brokenness
Who traveled to the edge of Fear
Where hope seems lost
Where joy turns to sorrow
And life seems like death

When the tug to come in seems so strong
A hand reached out, grabbing on
Pulling this soul from those depths
The hand belongs to the Father
Who found me at first
On the sandy shore
He has walked each step down this path
Hurting with every one
Wishing I would just look around
And see him there
With a lamp lighting the way home
Where supper is ready
Warm clothes to be put on
A hot fire to sit by
And a pillow to lay on

Lord, I’m sorry I have brought you this far
And gave you this stain
But you oh Lord find something in me
A relationship to be had
Why you continue to pursue me,
An imperfect being,
I will never know
Why you would give up your own
I cannot fathom
Why you suffered
I cannot understand
Why you took on shame
I cannot grasp
Why you took my stain
Is a mystery
Yet you have done it all
Out of your love for me

When the darkness was all around,
You were there
Lighting my every way
For you never left my side,
From that sandy shore
I just never looked to see your presence

For you take me on journeys,
Both joyful and hard,
For my life is not about me,
But for you
For your Love to shine like the brightest star
For your Hope to break through every cloud
For your Joy to cover all sadness
For your Glory to shake all around
For you are God and I am not
For you are good,
Both in the light and in the grey

Whatever brings you glory
Lord, I’ll do it
Whether joy or pain, I’ll walk in it
I can say this now,
But Lord give me strength to actually live this out
You are my well
My source through it all

My feet grace the sand
On the edge of the water
“Mónos, you don’t belong there”
A voice comes from the shadows
“Don’t listen to that other man
For he does not know you
He does not want you
And in the time of need, he will be gone”

“David, he seeks to deceive you,”
The Father cries out
“For my love for you continues on,
I will walk this journey with you,
I will connect your broken pieces,
And make you new
Believe in me”

My choice has come
To hold onto control and my life
And follow fear further down the path
Or jump off
Into the great depths
Where faith is my only guide

With a single step I’m gone
Into the water away from the shore
The foundation which I’ve known for so long

I swim on in this ocean so long and so wide
An infinite ocean
And towards the Son that sets over that ridge
There is no vest,
No boat,
No support to hang on to
Just faith of having enough
Faith which has overcome the fear
I cannot deny the call of the Father
Which calls me out upon the water
To surrender my life, hopes, and dreams to him
I will search for him more and more
There are only two ends to this story
I will die trying to find the end of this sea
And know him more and more
Or I will pass when He calls me home
He is enough
And the one who holds me so

I have found my end
And His beginning