Tears from the Weeping Floor – Book Announcement

I have finished my book, Tears from the Weeping Floor! Though it took a while, I am very proud of how it turned out. This is a little passion project that I wanted to work on and was able to bring to life.

So, what does the title mean? Why was it chosen?

Well, for me, this title brings out this picture of an intimate space of complete vulnerability. The weeping floor is the space behind closed doors where your heart is poured out before the Lord. And the book is a small look into my weeping floor. And each poem represents the tears I have experienced and which I poured out on the weeping floor.

My hope and prayer is you are encouraged to spend time with the Lord in your weeping floor. Because is faithful and will meet you in that space.

As I was working on the book and the poems, I struggled with how to present my experience without telling others how to feel. Too often we tell others how to feel, rather than letting the Lord take control of that process. My hope is that as you read it you are able to see God’s faithfulness and hope. But as you see those truths that you are able to engage with your story, how you have processed and experienced things. My guess is it will look different. Yet through it all, He is faithful and He is hope.

If you are interested you can find the book here on Amazon:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Tears+from+the+Weeping+Floor